Stress – commonly defined as a pressure, tension or strain on your emotional and physical wellbeing. A little stress can motivate you, and many ambitious and proactive people rely on stressors to push themselves to work harder. However, long term stress can have a massive impact on your behaviour, cognitive skills, physical mobility and your emotions, but the symptoms are often vague and difficult to determine because they’re associated with other mental and medical conditions. It’s important to discuss possible stress with your local GP, but here are a few things to look out for if you’re worried you might be suffering from stress.
Physical symptoms include:
• Low energy, constant exhaustion or lethargy • Insomnia
• Headaches, stomach pains or muscle pain
• Chest pains or increased heart rate
• Frequent colds or infections
• Shaking, nervousness or tinnitus
• Difficulty eating, swallowing or dry mouth
• Clenched jaw or grinding teeth
Emotional Symptoms include:
• Mood swings – easily agitated or frustrated
• Feeling overwhelmed or losing control
• Unable to relax or quiet your mind
• Social anxiety
• Decreasing self-esteem, increasing loneliness
Cognitive and Behavioural Symptoms include: • Forgetfulness and disorganisation
• Inability to focus or poor judgement; increased procrastination
• Changes in appetite – the amount you eat decreasing or increasingp
• Nail-biting, fidgeting, pacing or other nervous behaviours
Long term stress can have far more drastic symptoms, such as loss of hair or weight, heart disease, depression and eating disorders.
Massage is one way to manage symptoms of stress but there are ways to combat stress and manage your emotional and physical health proactively.